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Congradulations Team Utah

Oct 1, 2007 --

James Sykes was the first person ever in the history of WCOPA to win a summer scholarship for $500 to the New York school of film and television who did not compete in Any acting category. Way to go. Everyone will get to see just how great he is at the party.

Karli Lowry entered in 4 vocal categories and got through to semi finals in ALL 4 vocal categories. Here are her medals:


 Jazz: GOLD!   Pop: GOLD!   Open: SILVER!  Country:SILVER! 


Open: GOLD!  on top of all of these medal she also won and Industry award! Great Job girl!

Alanna Price surprised everyone late in the year with her wonderful voice, and at WCOPA she surprised the audience when she sang her song acapella to a standing ovation and the entire audience clapping along to her voice. with this along with her outstanding acting and more she won the Industry award. Great Job!

Samantha Showers Won the audience over with her heart felt original monologues and she got the audience bopping to the beat when she performed her Bronze medal winning Hip hop performance in dance. Way to go! If you missed it Im sure you will see it again.

Breanne Nelson had an exciting time in Hollywood. when she had to change her dress in the hall just moments before going on the stage for her Semi Finals in Modeling, Getting all the judges and audience to laugh when she presented her GOLD Medal winning commercial and mesmerizing the audience during her country vocal. Here are her awards:

Spokes Model: GOLD!  Country Vocal: SILVER!  Industry Award! Overall award in Country vocal!and a $500 Scholarship to the New York School of film and Television. Way to go!

Alex Lenzy got attention right away. when participating in Dance seminars he was picked every time in the winning groups for the over all performances. He competed against the stiffest competition ever in males dance for his age and triumphed. here are his medals:

Dance:  Hip hop BRONZE!  Jazz BRONZE  Broadway Bronze!

Natalie Robinson Stood out in all of her categories. Although it is not hard when you are that beautiful. She made people laugh at her commercial. She stopped traffic and made it through to semi finals for her Swim and Formal modeling. Way to go with a BRONZE medal in Swim modeling!

Christian Wilford was silent but deadly in Hollywood. When other models and actors thought they would take it all he swept in a surprised all the judges. Here are his medals:

Industry award,  $500 scholarship to The New York school of film and Television, Acting drama BRONZE! spokes model BRONZE! Way to go!

Angelique Cooper was entered in almost every category. She was a trooper all week as she and her mother ran from room to room for each competition. She even changes one of her dances only a few hours before performing it and ending up taking home a BRONZE medal for it. Here are her medals:

Vocal Pop SILVER!  Dance Jazz BRONZE!  Dance Open BRONZE!  Formal Modeling BRONZE! Acting open BRONZE! Industry award! Great Job!

Joel Aldrich our shy and quiet boy (so they thought) came in and upset all of the foreigners who that they had his categories covered. He only entered in 6 Vocal categories and made it through to semi finals in ALL 6! He was and is the buzz of the town with his growing fan base of girls. Here are his medals:

Self Accompanied: Open SILVER! Original GOLD!

Vocal: Open BRONZE!  Original SILVER! Country SILVER!  Pop GOLD  and Industry award! Great Job!

Sabra Kelly got quite a shocker when she saw her compatition calendar in Hollywood and it had an Extra category on it. And Comedy no less being the hardest to compete in. She learned a new monologue that very day and got all the way to semi finals with it grabbing rooms full of laughter the entire way, and grabbing the BRONZE medal. what a true professional. way to go!

Terrell Cooper needed a fork lift for his neck when the medals ceremony was over in Hollywood. Winning 8 medals,and an over all award. He also won the hearts of girls from all around the world. He was well know by everyone one there, even the bus driver called him the man. Here are his awards:

Acting: Comedy GOLD!  Contemporary SILVER! Open GOLD! 

Modeling: Spokes modeling GOLD! Swim GOLD!  Photo GOLD!  Formal  SIlver! an overall award and an Industry award! Great job!

I had 2 girls there who showed up, worked hard, met as many people as they could and made our trip the best trip ever. these 2 girls are Shantell Evans and Alexandrea Brown. When these girls where not competing they where helping our team out, routing them on and kept us going with there smiles. I believe Shantell collected the most Pins from the other countries. They both made the other countries feel welcome and intern should have been awarded the best host award. I am very proud of their ability to keep our team going and showing just what it is to be a proud, and patriotic american and good person. Great job girls!

I wanted to say a BIG thank you to all of the parents, friends and family who showed up to help us. We really became a team out there. more than any other US team there I think we stood behind each other. I believe firmly that you can not be a good kid or person with out great parents and family. So thanks again for everything.

I know we have not seen each other in a while, but the big party is coming. as soon as I get the confirmation I will send an email. I would also love some help getting the plans together. So if you would help me one last time I would appreciate it.

I truly believe that things happen for a reason. I could not have asked for a better final scene to this part of my life. I am very glad you where all a party of this. I hope we can all stay in touch and continue to help each other.

So with only 14 contestants from Utah we brought home 36 medals, 3 scholarships out of 7 total given out, and many other awards! A record for Utah and the WCOPA! Way to go Team Utah! We also have many agents, record labels and more contactin out talent. I will keep everyone informed on projects to come ahead with all of you. If you would all do the same that would be great.

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